Indigenous language media literacy resources for the Gran Chaco region of Bolivia

Written by Rising Voices with support from AVINA

Making media and information literacy resources accessible for diverse groups can mean adapting them into multimedia formats or taking into consideration linguistic preferences for sharing information – or both. Rising Voices opted for taking both approaches in order to reach Indigenous audiences that are often left on the margins of the field of media and information literacy.

Rising Voices contributor Isapi Rúa, a guaraní communicator based in Camiri, Santa Cruz, Bolivia, took the lead in developing and producing short audio clips meant to be shared on messaging apps or shared with local community radio stations as public service announcements.

Based on feedback gathered from workshops held in 2022 with Indigenous communicators, Isapi incorporated concepts and discussions about narratives related to climate change in the Gran Chaco region of Bolivia and the state of the local offline and online media ecosystem to create the three clips. These are available in Spanish and the Indigenous languages of Guaraní and Weenhayek, both found in the region.

These clips were created as part of the project Voices for Just Climate Action with support from the Avina Foundation. See additional on media and informational literacy.


Clip #1 What are narratives? And why are they important for the Gran Chaco?




risingvoices · [Weenhayek] #1 – ¿Qué son las narrativas y por qué son importantes para el Chaco?


Clip #2 The importance of diverse representation in the media






These audios are available under an Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) Creative Commons license and are meant to be shared widely.


Main article can be found on the Raising Voices website.

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