Voices from Siaya Muungano Network


The AMwA partners in Kenya, which include Women Empowerment Link, Craw Trust, Siaya Muungano Network, and Lamu Women Alliance, organised a three-day learning event dubbed Feminist Transformational Climate Justice Learning Space. This learning event was significant, as it provided participants with a deeper understanding of the connections between gender and environmental challenges.

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A Collaborative Effort for Effective Climate Change Governance in Siaya

In the past quarter, Siaya Muungano Network under the VCA programme, along with other partners in the Siaya County Climate Change Civil Society Organisation (CSO) working group and Action Aid Kenya, joined forces to advocate for more effective climate change governance, the operationalisation of the Siaya County Climate change Act and the development of the County Climate Change Fund Regulations.

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VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climate debate. For more information about the program, our agenda and how to collaborate with us, please contact us via info@voicesforclimateaction.org.

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