Women Federation Climate WASH Advocacy in Road to 10th World Water Forum
By SPEAK Indonesia
Indonesia is the host country for the 10th World Water Forum on 18-25 May 2024 in Bali. This conference is a medium through which the water community, stakeholders, and policymakers can collaborate and achieve long-term progress on global water challenges. With the World Water Forum, it is hoped that all stakeholders involved can carry out penta helix collaboration and explain the water community's mission, views, and achievements. To support this event, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia held the Road to the 10th World Water Forum event in the Citarum area, Bandung Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia.
Various international, national, provincial, and local stakeholders participated. The 10th World Water Forum road event aims to focus on deepening discussions on improving water quality, sanitation and cleanliness and ensuring safe drinking water for all. The Road to the 10th World Water Forum agenda results will be presented at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.
At the Road to 10th World Water Forum, Mrs Tutik, a representative of the Women’s Federation Dayeuhkolot (WFD), Bandung, who comes from a slum organisation vulnerable to natural disasters, was one of the speakers at the event. Along with Mrs Tutik, other speakers were the Head of the West Java Province Housing and Settlement Service, Professor Dwina, Bandung Institute of Technology, Army Colonel Yanto, and the Generation Foundation.
On this occasion, Mrs Tutik advocated and shared lessons learned about good sanitation practices in Dayeuhkolot village. Dayeuhkolot village has sanitation problems and is located on the banks of the Citarum River in an urban area in Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Dayeuhkolot village has a population of 11,976 people and 4,146 families. However, with the social mapping and profiling carried out by the WFD and VCA Youth Daygreen (VYD, Dayeuhkolot, green), the community knows in detail the climate challenges and potential that exist in their village. They are also more aware of managing the environment and taking climate action. The results of this profiling become material for advocacy to various stakeholders. Mrs Tutik also explained the role and actions carried out by the WFD and VCA Youth Daygreen (VYD). The government and stakeholders appreciate the climate action of the WFD and VYD.
Apart from Mrs Tutik, VYD also provided education using a locally shaped approach in a drama about water and sanitation for the school children and stakeholders who attended the Road to 10th World Water Forum exhibition. This drama was very well received by the school children and stakeholders as it made the topic of water and sanitation easier to understand. The promotion and introduction of VCA to broad stakeholders was also carried out through exhibitions of Women’s Federation and Youth products presented in various media, such as leaflets, brochures, and videos.