Consultant to write up key messages
SouthSouthNorth, through the Voices for Just Climate Action programme (VCA) is seeking the services of a consultant to write up a short document on key messages that can be taken to global events and shared online.
This small piece of work requires a consultant with communications and writing experience and an understanding of key climate change debates and topics.
The work will be completed between 21 August – 4 September 2023. Proposal submissions, including CV and cover letter with indicative budget (daily rate and total cost), should be submitted to by close of business 10 August 2023.
Background to activities
The Voices for Climate Action (VCA) programme is a lobby and advocacy programme being implemented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Netherlands, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), Fundación Avina and Hivos under the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs five-year strategic partnership: “Power of Voices. The programme supports more than 200 local civil society partners across seven countries: Kenya, Zambia, Tunisia, Indonesia, Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. It aims to ensure that by 2025, local civil society and underrepresented groups will have taken on a central role as creators, facilitators and advocates of innovative and inclusive climate solutions.
VCA is convening a series of events to bring together local partners, Alliance organisations and other interested civil society organisations (CSOs) across the seven countries to discuss VCA’s key advocacy messages on priority topics, including locally-led climate solutions, water, food systems, climate finance and more.
SSN VCA is looking for a consultant to work with the recordings of each session to distil clear and succinct key messages, with each key message being no more than a sentence or two long and no more than 3 pages of messages for each session. These messages are expected to capture the partners’ contributions to the discussion. These messages will then be finalised with local partners and will be used as the basis for our global advocacy engagement, including at events such as the UNFCCC COP and on social media.
More information about VCA’s objectives and required outputs for the consultant is in the ToR.