Settlement Profiling by Women Federation of DKI Jakarta and DI Yogyakarta, Indonesia

By SPEAK Indonesia

The Women's Federation in Jakarta and Yogyakarta, which consists of more than 150 housewives, has become an actor of change in its region by carrying out settlement profiling and social mapping of around 150 hectares of urban residential areas. The Women's Federation, as a climate change agent, collaborates with the government and society to invite the public and wider stakeholders to be more aware of and pay attention to sustainable climate adaptation and mitigation actions.

On May 23, 2024, the Women’s Federation in North Jakarta (Penjaringan and Sukapura) and DI Yogyakarta (Gedongkiwo and Sinduadi) in the Voices for Just Climate Action programme were trained to carry out social mapping and settlement profiling. In this training, women’s federations created social maps and tagged them using digital applications and facilitated focused discussions or FGDs to collect data on issues and potential climate action in their region. At the community level, the Women’s Federation is a facilitator who leads social mapping in their area and explores the potential and vulnerability of the area due to the impacts of climate change.

The Women’s Federation also helps stakeholders obtain social and regional data related to adaptation and mitigation actions in the region in a participatory manner. Social mapping and profiling aim to identify the potential issues of environmental climate action in areas such as water access, sanitation, climate change adaptation, and mitigation actions in the community using participatory methods with local communities.

From this social mapping process, the government can learn about the issues and potential impacts of climate change in the community. The government and stakeholders can use social mapping data as a base for recommendations for climate-resilient city development. In Sukapura, Jakarta and Gedongkiwo, Yogyakarta, the government appreciates and recommends using settlement profiling to map the vulnerabilities of climate adaptation and mitigation issues. As RW 06 Sukapura has done in the national programme PROKLIM (Climate Village Programme), social maps are very useful for mapping environmental vulnerability. Meanwhile, in Gedongkiwo, Yogyakarta, social maps also function as a bio-pore monitoring tool for waste management.  Gedongkiwo Women’s Federation, in collaboration with Gedongkiwo Subdistrict Government, directly surveyed and tagged the real-time geospatial position using Avenza. Thus, issues and vulnerabilities that occur in the region and existing potential can be maximised effectively to overcome the impacts of climate change in the region.

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