Launch of Makumucha Conservation Group Constitution

Having a deep passion for their stream and environment, over 120 people in the Mbila community – Itezhi Itezhi District gathered under the historic “Mubanga Tree” on 18 September to witness the official launch of the Makumucha Kasensa Kalonga Conservation Group constitution.

The Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia (WECSZ), through the Community Coined Climate Actions (CoCCA) project, facilitated the launch ceremony, which was graced by His Royal Highness Chief Shezongo. Inspired by the luring news of the project, the chief visited the Makumucha Zone for the first time in history, expressing his strong support for the conservation and protection of the Makumucha Springs and Stream.

After the formulation of the Makumucha Conservation Group, whose sole objective is to conserve their community stream and springs, WECSZ and the community leadership realised the inevitable need for a constitution to guide and enhance the group’s operations/efforts toward conserving the stream and springs. The document highlights the leadership structure, mission and vision statements, objectives, and by-laws that must be adhered to effectively and efficiently to drive the conservation agenda.

During the auspicious occasion, the community witnessed the official introduction of the conservation group executive committee, which comprises 10 members, was held. When privileged to speak, WECSZ National Coordinator, Mr Shawa, underscored the paramountcy of involving children/youths in environmental initiatives and further expressed his profound delight at the active participation of children/youth in the newly constituted committee. The momentous occasion was also graced with representatives from SeedCo Company, who were inspired by the project and decided to attend the launch ceremony. Recognising the significance of gardening in people’s livelihood in the community area, the company pledged to support local farmers and gardeners with free seedlings to boost their agricultural productivity. 

The event also featured an emotional story from Senior Headman Mulilabanyama, who recounted the origins of the name “Makumucha” and stressed the timeless significance of preserving the area for future generations. More interesting, it also featured a poetry performance by pupils from Mbila Secondary School, who sought to raise awareness on child marriages and the importance of educating the girl child. 

The launch of the constitution truly signifies a crucial step towards enhanced governance in the conservation and protection of the Makumucha Springs and streams. 

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