Campaigning on a National Scale: C4Ledger Consortium holds a discussion with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine

On 12 August, the Director of the Coastal and Small Islands Utilisation Directorate of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the Consortium for Knowledge Management Brokers (C4Ledger) held a dialogue to discuss current and future projects of the VCA Indonesia alliance and identify areas where VCA Indonesia could work together to support the Indonesian government with climate-resilient development.

As a representative of C4Ledger, Yuni Setyaningsih will be involved in the ongoing collaboration in several areas. “Together with the national government, we intend to strengthen our cooperation. For the last four years, the VCA Indonesia alliance has been intensively working on sub-national level implementation, including coordination and documenting of best practices. This includes SSN, HIVOS, WWF, SDI, and their local partners.” She stressed that the team was prepared to use its acquired knowledge and best practices to contribute to policymaking processes significantly.




Muhammad Yusuf, Director of Coastal and Small Island Utilisation, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, appreciated and supported this activity’s implementation. “Since the impacts of climate change are likely to be felt by many different parts of society, there is an immediate need for multi-stakeholder collaboration in collaborative efforts to mitigate and adapt to the phenomenon.“

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