Voices from Zambia

The power of South-South collaboration and peer learning: SSN’s Knowledge Partner Gathering

From 26 February to 2 March, the District 6 Homecoming Center in Cape Town was abuzz with excitement, collaboration and ideation as, for the first time, SSN, through the Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) programme, hosted an in-person Knowledge Partners Gathering workshop with our in-country partners from Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Indonesia, Tunisia, Zambia and Kenya.

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Women and youth taking up the mantle to demand gender equality and social accountability amidst climate change.

In the quest for gender equality and social justice, it is imperative to acknowledge the intertwined relationship between climate change and gender disparities.

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Women Shaping Locally Led Climate Solutions: Unveiling the Power of the Women’s Federation in Kanyama

Climate change is one of our most pressing global challenges, impacting communities, ecosystems, and economies worldwide. It requires immediate and comprehensive action at all levels of society. Amidst this challenge, women have emerged as pivotal actors in driving locally-led climate solutions. Their leadership, resilience, and innovation have proven instrumental in combating climate change while fostering sustainable development in their communities.

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The tranquil expanse of Lake Kariba in Siavonga, Zambia, was the perfect canvas for a transformative journey that etched a new chapter into my worldview. I found myself amidst the vibrant energy of 30 remarkable African women at the African Women's Leadership Institute (AWLI) from August 14th to 18th, 2023, discussing the theme: Ecofeminist Leadership for a Just and Sustainable Future.

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Women take on climate change in Zambia

Zambia is being hard hit by climate change, which is causing more frequent and severe droughts, flash floods and changes in the growing season. One of the reasons Zambia is so vulnerable to climate change – particularly droughts – is because 300,000 hectares of trees are being lost to deforestation each year because of charcoal production.

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Learn more about what our partners are doing on the ground

Join voices for just climate action

VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climate debate. For more information about the program, our agenda and how to collaborate with us, please contact us via info@voicesforclimateaction.org.

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