Endeavour to protect land and marine environment

Climate change directly threatens people's livelihood, with substantial impacts on local community. While indigenous people are uniquely vulnerable to climate change, they are leading the way in innovative adaptation work, using traditional knowledges and novel approaches.

Climate change directly threatens people livelihood, with substantial impacts on local community. While indigenous people are uniquely vulnerable to climate change, they are leading the way in innovative adaptation work, using traditional knowledges and novel approaches. In Lembata Island of East Nusa Tenggara, the transmission of traditional knowledge, Muro, across generations has been a fundamental aspect to protecting the environment and promoting their cultures as well as the sustainability of livelihoods, helping local communities more resilient to disasters.


Ikhtiar Menjaga Lingkungan Darat dan Laut

Perubahan iklim secara langsung mengancam mata pencaharian masyarakat, dengan dampak yang cukup besar bagi komunitas lokal. Sementara masyarakat adat secara unik rentan terhadap perubahan iklim, mereka memimpin jalan beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim yang inovatif, menggunakan pengetahuan tradisional dan pendekatan baru. Di Pulau Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur, pengetahun tradisional, Muro, diturunkan lintas generasi sebagai aspek mendasar untuk melindungi lingkungan dan mempromosikan budaya mereka serta mata pencaharian yang berkelanjutan, membantu masyarakat lokal lebih tahan terhadap bencana.

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VCA is set to effect the amplification of locally-shaped climate action and play a pivotal role in the global climate debate. For more information about the program, our agenda and how to collaborate with us, please contact us via info@voicesforclimateaction.org.

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